Ensign Tai Zh’ranni
Relief Flight Control Officer
Homeworld: Starbase G-6
Born on Starbase G-6 in 2354 to Lieutenant Tarma Zh’Ranni, the zhei of Tarma and her bondmattes Yula, Tolzar and Ranar of clan Ranni. With her zavey in Starfleet Tai would spend much of her childhood and teen years at her posting on Starbase G-6 visiting the rest of her parents infrequently. She loved her aging starbase home and quickly learned how to get into most of nooks and crannies and charmed most of its crew. Still at age twelve she was bundled off to Andoria to be promised to three other young Andorians and they to her.
Tai would return to the station and try to forget about the pledge losing herself in playing around the station with her alien friends.
When Tai reached the age of responsibility in 2372 she found she couldn’t go through with the bonding, she wanted to join Starfleet not become a young Zavey. Her choice caused problems both within the clan and without. Culminating in non-lethal duels between her Zavey Tarma and her Thavan Ranar and ultimately between Tarma and the champions of the other clans. She bested them all, the last of her opponents leaving Tarma with a deep facial scar that she elected to keep.
Honoured beyond words by her zavey’s support she asked her blessing to enroll in Starfleet Academy, her zavey replied do well, zhei and be who you are.
Enrolling in 2372, Tai loved the Academy choosing the command track with an interest in helm control. She did well but more than that blossomed socially becoming popular in her quad and with her classmates as well as engaging in a rather adventurous dating life.
In one of the first classes since the war began not to have members plucked for ‘advanced training’ Tai completed all four years of her Academy training, though in her final year the war came to her in the form of the Breen attack on Earth. Tai was spared injury and quickly rallied her quad to volunteer for search and rescue duty. She got a commendation for leadership which along with her solid grades got her a chipboard position on the USS Forger. While she might have felt comfortable leading her quad, this is the real thing now and she’s realizing how much she has yet to learn. Thankfully she has good friends to help her along the way.
Note Tai keeps a spayed and neutered tribble she named Fek’lhr or Fekky for short. She purchased it from a trader on Starbase G-6 before leaving for the Academy.