Four lifetimes of perspective.
Δ Joined Δ Bold: Command Δ Dauntless Δ
Δ Rocks into Replicators Δ Criminal Understanding Δ
Graduated Starfleet Academy: 2366
Class Rank: Upper Third
Academy Focus: Science, Engineering
Prior Assignments: USS Saratoga, Starfleet Office of Personnel, USS Centaur
Primary Specialty: Mechanical Engineering
Secondary Specialty: Operations Management
Strengths: Four lifetimes of experience, calm in a crisis, fostering connections with people, innovative thinking.
Weaknesses: Prone to over-thinking, new host, hedonism, PTSD.
Family: One known biological parent, Velu Nedan, on Trill. Jorvan and Tiran Tarza, adoptive fathers on Trill, eight ‘siblings’ rescued from the compound and adopted by other Trill families. At least two grown children of his past host Aden Lahl and various other descendents of past hosts.

Commander Sabin Lahl
Position: Executive Officer
Assignment: USS Forger
Species: Trill (Joined, four previous hosts)
Homeworld: Trill
INS 9 PRE 10 REA 10
Character History
Born in 2341 at a Neo-Purist commune on Trill to the group’s leader Velu Nedan and an unknown biological father, Sabin was raised by all the adults in the commune and was taught neo-purist philosophy and worked the land with archaic tools alongside the other children, who he was raised to see as brothers and sisters.
In 2354 Sabin was injured during an unauthorized trip away from the commune and was rescued by outsiders. Not long after Trill authorities inspected the commune and Sabin and the other children were moved to better living situations on Trill. Sabin was settled with a doctor and his husband who helped Sabin adjust to the world outside the commune and complete the Federation Preparatory Education Program in 2359.
Becoming enamored of Starfleet while at school, Sabin applied in 2360 and 2361 before being accepted in 2362. At Starfleet Academy he was a determined student and athlete, choosing to focus on science and engineering initially in defiance of his upbringing he fell in love with the subjects. He also distinguished himself in parrises squares having secured the victory for the Academy team in the 2365 championship against the Andorian Defense Institute.
Graduating in the top third of his class in 2366 he was quickly assigned a position on the USS Saratoga as a junior operations officer. Sabin’s posting would only last until 2367 when the ship was destroyed by the Borg at Wolf 359. His gallantry during the evacuation of the Saratoga earned him a promotion to lieutenant junior grade, while Starfleet shuffled Sabin and other Wolf 359 survivors to shore duty to recover. Assigned to the Starfleet Office of Personnel he worked the next three years on Earth until he had made enough contacts to get himself promoted and returned to chipboard duty as the chief of operations on the USS Centaur in 2370.
Serving on the Centaur Sabin chased Maquis raiders, fought Klingons and ultimately took part in the Dominion War, rising to first officer by war’s end. Sabin would also become joined when Lahl’s most recent host Nimony died from a Dominion bio weapon and there were no other Trill to take the symbiont Sabin stepped up, becoming suddenly endowed with four lifetimes of memories. With no time to acclimate, Sabin Lahl remained on as the Centaur’s first officer until the signing of the Treaty of Bajor, when he took leave to return to Trill for observation, training and testing mandated by the Symbiosis Commission.
Leaving Trill again in 2376 Lahl would take a position as first officer of the USS Forger along with a promotion to full commander and implied consideration for future command by the powers that be. Now, once again in the familiar role of XO with an unfamiliar captain and crew, Sabin is trying to present a calm voice of reason while still trying to find his footing as a joined Trill at the same time.
Art by MaxsIllustrations