No One Is Beyond Help
Δ Open and Insightful Δ Peaceful Existence Δ
Δ Untapped Potential Δ Insightful Guidance Δ
Δ Defuse the Tension Δ Ship’s Counselor Δ
Graduated Starfleet Academy:
Class Rank:
Academy Focus:
Prior Assignments:
Primary Specialty:
Secondary Specialty:

Lieutenant Commander Ordren
Position: Ship’s Counselor
Assignment: USS Forger
Species: Risian
Homeworld: Risa
CON 9 DAR 9 FIT 10
INS 10 PRE 10 REA 8
Character History
Born on Risa, Ordren was raised in a commune of artists, with a happy and healthy childhood surrounded by siblings, half-siblings, and extended family in the Risian fashion. While he loved his homeworld, he was fascinated by the other people from the wider Federation that would visit Risa, and particularly those that were Starfleet Officers, often hearing many of their stories as a youth. It was little surprise to his parents when he petitioned to attend Starfleet Academy, and even less so when he was accepted, as he had always been a bright young man.
Ordren performed well at the Academy, graduating in the top 10 percent of his class, and his disposition naturally veered him towards the role of Counselor. He had just barely finished a residency at Starfleet Medical when the Dominion War broke out, and he was assigned to Starbase 2, where the wounded were evacuated to. For the duration of the war he found himself providing counseling services to those traumatized by the conflict, a task he proved to have a genuine knack for. His time with those afflicted only served to galvanize his views towards violence and war. After the war, he was assigned as the Chief Counselor on board the USS Forger despite his relatively young age and low rank.
Generally optimistic, attractive by the standards of most human-like species, and extremely sociable, it is easy to dismiss Ordren as naive or shallow, but he is genuinely dedicated to helping others and selfless even by the standards of Starfleet. He has quickly realized that he is something of an “odd man out” as one of the few crew members lacking major trauma in their past. Being around several militant and traumatized officers has allowed an edge of frustration to show, particularly when dealing with Captain Tanar. Still, he is generally popular with the crew, particularly its younger members, and works tirelessly to see to their emotional and mental well-being. As with most Risians he is perfectly comfortable with casual intimate relations, and holds no strong preference in regards to the gender of his partner(s). However he is also aware that most other species are not as “liberated” as Risians and thus is careful that there are no emotional misunderstandings with any liaisons he might have.
Art by MaxsIllustrations