Lieutenant Commander Kertog
Chief Science Officer, USS Forger
“All Knowledge Is Worth Preserving”
Kertog was born on Benzar as most of his species, growing up in his geostructure with a talent for science and reason that was apparent at a young age. He excelled in his education, and by the time he was a young adult he was already a well-regarded researcher and became one of the small group of potential selectees to be the first Benzite to attend Starfleet Academy, but lost that honor to Mordock. However, the next year Kertog became (tied for) the second Benzite to attend Starfleet Academy, following his fellow Benzite into that service.
At Starfleet Academy, Kertog became a close friend of his fellow Quadmate, a Vulcan named
After the outbreak of the Dominion War, Lt. Kertog was assigned to serve as the Deputy Chief Science Officer/Chief of Laboratory Operations aboard the USS Pittsburgh, a New-Orleans Class vessel geared for science and survey operations. The war left little allowance for the luxury of exploration and experimentation, and the Pittsburgh found itself pressed into reconnaissance duties thanks to its sophisticated sensor arrays. Through a great deal of skill on its crew’s part and no small amount of good fortune, the Pittsburgh weathered the war with relatively few casualties, at least until the Battle of Cardassia. Unfortunately in that particular battle, the Pittsburgh found itself overwhelmed, and the crew was forced to abandon the ship. Kertog’s lifeboat was among those that were picked up by the USS Dionysus on its retreat from the battle.
Feeling a debt owed to the acting Captain of the Dionysus, the newly promoted Lt. Commander Kertog requested assignment to Captain Tanar’s new command, the USS Forger, and was selected to serve as her Chief Science Officer. He has been quietly (and sometimes not-so-quietly) delighted about the surprising amount of scientific discovery and research that the Forger has managed to accomplish in a relatively short time. He also appears to at least tacitly give the Captain the benefit of the doubt on her more controversial decisions and actions.
Like many of his species, Kertog is earnest, efficient, and eager-to-please, though he is socially adept enough to have learned to curb these tendencies somewhat in order to be less potentially annoying to his fellow crewmates. He generally presents a friendly and cheerful demeanor though he can be stern about maintaining his authority, particular when dealing with “challenging” junior officers (ahem Lt. Rilem ahem). While not as much of a stickler for rules and regulations as Lt. Commander Byrne, he does generally prefer to personally operate within those boundaries and encourages those beneath him to do the same, but at the same time respects that those above him in the chain of command may not always have that luxury. He has formed fast friendships with the ship’s Counselor, Ordren, and their Chief Engineer, Mourad (and is perpetually the first one out during Mourad’s regular card games, as he is a terrible card player, but that doesn’t stop him from playing). He also occasionally performs on the Vulcan Harp, which he has grown quite good at. A feat made all the more remarkable given that Benzite hands are less-than-ideally suited for the instrument.