Lieutenant (jg) Conom Rahn
Science Officer, USS Forger
Trill, joined (1st host)
Velkar VI
CON 11 DAR 8 FIT 8 INS 10 PRE 8 REA 11
“Every puzzle has a solution”

Born in 2351 at the Federation science outpost on Velkar VI, Conom Trevan lived in relative isolation growing up with his parents, the other scientists and his older sister, (and fiercest rival)Taraia. Both were brilliant and every academic accolade each earned was a point on the eternal scoreboard of their relationship. Both breezed through basic education with finishing two years early and competing in the Vo’kara before submitting their applications to the Symbiosis Commision. While their lives to that point were similar, they differed was where else they applied. Taraia ever the scientist was accepted into the advanced studies program at the Trill Science Ministry in 2365 while in 2367 Conom applied for and won early the single early admission slot in the Halanna sector for Starfleet Academy.
Conom double majored in science and engineering in the Academy while making frequent trips to Trill for Initiate examinations and training, before ultimately graduating in 2372.
His first assignment was delayed by the final parts of his initiate training, though even his joining was delayed by the outbreak of the Dominion War and the comission not being eager to join a symbiot to a host who may be called upon to die in battle.
The Commission’s concerns were unfounded as Conom’s technical skills saw him assigned to an R&D position far from the front. Working with advanced sensor prototypes he was part of the work group tasked with improving the ability of tricorders to detect shrouded Jem’Hadar and Dominion Houdini mines. During that time Conom personally developed the Type P phase discriminatior which could added to the current TR 590 Mark X tricorders to boost effectiveness and is slated to be standard in the TR 590 Mark XI.
Following the war Conom was finally joined though to a symbiot with no previous hosts, Conom protested this at first but when he was told his prodigious memory was ideal for a first host and that it was either a new symbiot or no symbiot at all he agreed and became Conom Rahn.
Ensign Rahn’s first assignment after joining was assisting in tests of a new more powerful sensor pod for the Nebula-class USS Canberra before he applied to a permanent shipboard post and was accepted aboard the USS Forger as a science officer. Now after years ‘on the shelf’ Conom is ready to apply his theoretical knowledge in the field.
Note: Personal effects trait is for a prototype TR 590 Mark XI Tricorder.