Captain’s Log, Stardate 53020.25.
With the information Lt. Mourad has brought us from his contacts in Orion space, I am reasonably confident that between him and Lt. Mahak they’ll be able to work out a few surprises of our own for when we inevitably catch up with our Orion “friend” Janus-Von and his ship.
I must confess that the idea of hunting down and crossing proverbial swords with this pirate has me far more attentive to the dull day-to-day of actually running the ship. Prophets forefend that I would have ended up commanding some science vessel– I know that I almost got saddled with commanding the USS Bellerophon… I probably would have spaced myself with an entire crew made up of Kertogs. The man is brilliant and useful, but I can only take so much discussion of the precise impact of cellular mitosis across divergent species before I want to punch something.
Speaking of that, Lt. Ramirez has suggested starting a training group focusing on shipboard hand-to-hand combat, open to non-security personnel as well. Mahak forwarded the request to me– though honestly as Chief of Security he could have approved or denied it himself. I have fond memories of similar training while serving on the Sherman, so I approved it. Maybe I will assist with a session or two.
I’ve pulled all the data that Starfleet has on Janus-Von. They didn’t have much more than what Lt. Mourad gave us. Unfortunate, but not surprising. I’m not sure if my gut feeling to go after him is based on intuition or just having a solid potential threat to handle. As far as the crew is concerned, it’s the latter.
We are on the approach to the Federation Protectorate World of Tolen IV to mediate a dispute between two planetary factions. Looks like Janus Von may have to wait a bit longer.

[Captain Tanar is seated at the desk in her Ready Room, scrolling through documents on her computer. The room is sparsely decorated, with only a metal abstract sculpture of the Forger hanging on one wall near the replicator.]
Ready room door beeps.
Tanar: Come in. [She does not look up.]
Ordren: [Enters, standing just inside the door as it closes, and waits for a beat.] Captain.
Tanar: Counselor. [She still does not look up from her work, effectively mostly ignoring him.] How can I help you?
Ordren: [Frowns. Takes a couple of steps towards the desk.] Captain, you have been fairly clear that you do not like or respect me. I understand that you are more comfortable with speaking frankly, so I am here to discuss whatever issue it is you have with me. As Ship’s Counselor, we need to be able to work together.
Tanar: [taps on the screen, flicks a few items off it. Her expression doesn’t seem to change much, other than a slight twitch of her left eye.] [A few beats of silence.]
Ordren: [frustrated sigh] Captain, you can’t–
Tanar: Is that all, Counselor? [Looks up at him, annoyed.]
Ordren: …I see. [Gives her a bright smile.] You’re not going to get rid of me that easily. I understand that you may not feel comfortable opening up to relative strangers –and clearly I misjudged what you consider to be a relaxing afternoon– but regardless of all that, I am here to help you and the rest of the crew. That’s my duty, and I’m going to perform it. [Takes in a deep breath, as though steeling himself] Whether you like it or not.
Tanar: Understood. Is that all, Counselor? [Exact same cadence and annoyed tone as before.]
Ordren: [a couple of beats. He frowns slightly, and sighs.] Yes Captain. [He turns as if to leave, then looks as if he thinks better of it, and turns back to the Captain.] Actually, no. What you said on the Holodeck was quite hurtful, and I realized that it was intentionally so. Do you intend on treating other members of the Forger in that manner? It’s counterproductive to a good working environment. Strength comes in forms other than how tightly you can ball up a fist.
Tanar: [leans forward on the desk, resting her chin on a hand, and sighs.]
Ordren: For that matter, Dr. Maka is similarly abrasive. I understand you both served together on the Sherman before the war–
Tanar: Yes. And yes. [Another couple of beats of awkward silence.]
Ordren: Well–
Tanar: [cutting him off, rising to her feet] Come here, Counselor. [gestures to behind the desk]
Ordren: [cants his head curiously, then moves around behind the desk, facing her] All right.
Tanar: [gestures for him to bend down slightly to account for the different in height]
Ordren: [Blinks, but obliges.]
Tanar: [reaches up, cupping one hand against and along his left ear, tilting her own head to the side as if listening to something]
Ordren: Captain, what–
Tanar: Shush. Give me a moment. [Silence for a couple more seconds.] Hrrmph. [Releases his ear, sits back in her chair.] I suppose you don’t have a weak pagh after all.
Ordren: …ah. I… see. [Brightens] Thank you. Captain. But about the–
Tanar: I will take your advice under advisement. Dismissed. [Returns to her computer.]
Ordren: [tilts his head considering, then decides not to press his luck and departs the room.]