Scene opens with Sabin sitting down at his desk with a PADD and a cup of coffee. Sabin takes a sip of coffee then sets down his cup.
And here we go.
Sabin reaches towards the terminal on his desk and presses a button.
The perspective shifts to that of the camera on his terminal, a recording indicator blinks in the bottom left corner of the screen.
Hello Ms. Tellan and class 8B. I’m Commander Sabin Lahl, first officer of the USS Forger and once upon a time one of Ms Tellan’s students at Makala Preparatory Academy.
(With good natured false over enthusiasm)
Go Saberfish!
Anyhow, Ms Tellan asked if I would explain what an average day is like for a first officer on a Federation starship is like and so I’ll walk you through my schedule but first a little background information. I’m joined with the Lahl symbiont and am the third of Lahl’s hosts to serve in Starfleet and have served 10 years in this lifetime; my current assignment is the USS Forger, an Akira-class vessel that was launched this year with a new captain and crew. I’ve sent links to the public files about the ship to Ms Tellan if any of you want to have a look.
But anyhow, on with my day.
Switches from live action to animation (Lower Decks style obviously) with a bird’s eye view of Sabin in bed, waking as his alarm goes off and he reaches over to hit it.
SABIN (vo)
…my day begins about two hours before my shift starts, which puts it the equivalent of before local dawn for Makala.
Cut to Sabin rising from bed in a FORGE athletic shirt and boxers, going to the replicator taking a tall purple protein Shake out of it and gulping it down.
SABIN (vo)
I have a quick breakfast.
Cut to Sabin playing a Parises Squares match against holo opponents on the holodeck, a ball hits him hard in his face.
SABIN (vo)
Then do some light calisthenics on the holodeck
Cut to an unimpressed Dr Maka fixing Sabin’s black eye and bloody nose in sickbay.
SABIN (vo)
And sometimes I check in with medical
Cut to Sabin stepping out of the bathroom doing up his collar, hair slightly damp, stops by the replicator when he finishes with his collar
SABIN (vo)
Then it’s time for a shower and get prepare for duty.
(to the replicator)
One Raktajino and one cascara latte.
Both drinks appear in metallic Forger mugs with the Starfleet delta on them (buy yours today kids!) Sabin grabs them and heads for the door.
SABIN (vo)
Which usually starts with my morning meeting with Captain Tanar, where Starfleet’s orders are relayed and Captain Tanar sets the priorities for the day and for whatever mission we’re on.
Cut to Sabin enters the ready room, puts the Raktajino down on her desk, moving aside the empty already there then sits across from her with his latte.
SABIN (vo)
But as few plans or priorities survive contact with the unknown, we often have to improvise.
Montage of quick cuts showing the crews adventures:
* Dealing with the Pakled device,
* Detonating a torpedo to free the Forger and the Romulans.
* Riding into the guns at Devil’s Rock,
* Kidnapping the delegates on Tolen IV.
SABIN (vo)
But it usually works out alright.
Quick cuts of the the results of the missions:
* Pakleds doing work and group counseling on the penal colony.
* The space egg comet sailing on through space.
* The crew waking up in sickbay laughing after being massacred on the holodeck.
* The Tolen IV factions sitting at the negotiation table talking productively.
SABIN (vo)
When things don’t take unexpected turns my work shift is a mix of bridge duty,
Sabin sitting Beside the Captain or working with one of the other crew members at a station.
SABIN (vo)
Checking in with the senior officers.
Quick cuts of Sabin visiting the senior staff:
* Doing that back to back phaser practice thing with Mahak
* Going over charts in stellar cartography with Rick.
* Helping Mourad and the engineering team with modifying the Vicious.
* Sabin and Ondren talking about crew evaluations while getting some stretching in at the gym in a beefcake version of that Troi and Crusher scene
* Helping Kertog pull apart a quarrelling Rahn and Malk apart in sciences.
* Sabin, Rahn, Malk and Kertog being healed in sickbay as Sabin talks with an exasperated Dr Maka.
SABIN (vo)
And reports.
Sabin triumphantly puts down the last PADD in a pile.
SABIN (vo)
Lots of reports.
Sabin sighs as the Captain Yeoman brings him a whole new stack of PADDs.
SABIN (vo)
When my shift is over I usually take my dinner in the starboard lounge where Evan our welfare and morale hologram is taking me through the gastronomic tour of the galaxy program on the replicator. That’s the one where you try a different dish from a new world each night. It’s worth a try if you’re an adventurous eater.
Quick cuts of Evan bringing Sabin various dishes to various reactions:
* Terran burritos; eats happily.
* Ferengi gree worms; pokes at them with a frown.
* Vulcan plomeek soupt; takes a spoonful, considers, shrugs, eats more.
SABIN (vo)
Though sometimes I go with old favorites like an Altair sandwich with Rokara gravy or Denoblian cheese souffle if it’s been a tough day.
A tired Sabin smiles as Evan delivers a green and yellow cheese souffle.
SABIN (vo)
Then I either stay around the lounge if there’s something going on.
Sabin claps from his table as Evan and Kertog finish a piano andVulcan harp duet.
SABIN (vo)
Or I study.
Sabin goes over holographic displays of theoretical warp field dynamics along with a holographic Zephram Cochran, a Trill woman in an old fashioned flight suit, Montgomery Scott and Leah Brahms.
SABIN (vo)
Or do some gardening.
Sabin tends to some bioluminescent flowers in the arboretum.
SABIN (vo)
Or get in some practice with our parises squares team.
Sabin and other members of the team sit in sickbay in their parises squares uniforms as a still unimpressed Dr Maka tends to their injuries.
SABIN (vo)
After that it’s time for a little light reading and sleep.
Sabin passed out in his FORGE shirt and boxers again with a PADD over his face.
Switchin back to live action the perspective shifts back to the camera view as Sabin continues to record his message.
And that’s my day. As I said that’s when things aren’t going haywire on a mission, but I’ll have to save those stories for another time, but for now thank you all for asking me to do this.
and I may regret this later but if you guys put together some more questions about my life in Starfleet I’ll see if I can make time to answer them.
(reaching towards the camera)
In the meantime, Ms Tellan and class 8B this Commander Sabin Lahl, signing off.
Cuts to Starfleet logo.