USS Forger: The Mission
Season One
S1E1: A Pakled Problem
A raid on a Federation colony leads the USS Forger to Pakleds, an artifact and an adversary on her crew’s maiden voyage.
S1E2: Comet Chase
Things are not what they seem when the Forger’s first science mission is complicated by a Romulan ship and the strange force dragging it and the Forger towards destruction.
S1E3: Wild Wild West
Bullets fly when a quiet trip to the Old West in the holodeck is hijacked and becomes anything but quiet.
S1E4: Security and Diplomacy, Part One
The crew of the Forger must put their best foot forward when tasked with securing a summit that a conspiracy hopes to derail.
Cold Open and Logs
S1E5: Security and Diplomacy, Part Two
Having foiled an attempt to bomb the summit, the crew of the Forger uses unique methods to track the conspirators while overcoming technical difficulties.
Cold Open and Logs
S1E6: Swervst Contact
A strange stellar and temporal field and some Enlightened contact.
Cold Open and Logs
Cold Open and Logs
Season One Webisodes and Side Stories
Side Story: Stowaway
Don’t worry, it’s handled.
Webisode: 7 Days
Commander Sabin Lahl takes time for himself on his seven day journey to his new assignment.
Webisode: Not What They Asked For
Commander Lahl and Ensign Rahn both discover they’re not the only one whose joining took them by surprise.
Webisode: A Day In the Life
Commander Lahl shows a day in his life to school kids back home.
Webisode: Five of a Kind
Five friends play cards and gossip on the Forger’s lower decks.
Webisode: You Read My Mind
Old crewmates gossip about the past, present, and perhaps the future.
Webisode: Good Morning, Sir!
Taking place during the cold open of S1E7; Conom Rahn is woken up by his friends with some good news.
Webisode: A Yeoman’s Morning
Taking place during the cold open of S1E7; Anjohl Korra ruminates on her position as Yeoman
Before Season One: those Flashback Sequences
The USS Sherman
Mutiny on the Sherman
Three weeks after they have all begun to serve on their new ship, several members of the Sherman’s crew gather to discuss their fate.
The Dominion War
A Hole In The Sky With Stars
The events of The Battle of Cardassia are the backdrop for Tanar’s rise to command. A view of the battle from the USS Dionysus, and decisions made in the heat of it.