Shared Worlds
Most call it fan fiction, but these are stories that take place in worlds established by other authors or creators. In some cases, this is full AU. In others, its a record of tabletop campaigns that are stories told by several people and wrangled by myself or someone else in our group.
DC Universe Elseworlds: The Fall — A full alternative universe/Elseworld for the DC Comic universe, inspired lightly by various storylines including Dark Metal, Crime Society, Zero Hour, and others.
TTRPG Shared Stories
Star Trek: Forger — Set in the aftermath of the Dominion War, the newly launched Akira-class USS Forger sets out on a five-year mission.
Forgotten Realms: Bardy On — A musical troupe, including their manager, roadie, and cousin, set off to claim a long-lost inheritance they intend to turn into a party house.
Cyberpunk RED: It’s Always Sunny in Night City — A rag-tag group of miscreants, sociopaths, and occasional murders-for-hire with hearts of… well, not really gold, but maybe brass? …make a name for themselves in Night City.