Lieutenant Kovon Garall
Flight Deck Officer, USS Forger
Trill, unjoined
Homeworld: Trill
CON 11 DAR 7 FIT 8 INS 9 PRE 9 REA 10
“The further I am from harm the happier I’ll be.”

Born on Trill in 2334 Kovon Garall had a promising childhood, a bright only child he got the support and encouragement he needed to apply and be accepted by Starfleet in 2352.
A talented small craft pilot, he scored well in flight tests but less well in other areas of Starfleet education and graduated in the bottom third of his class. After several years of starbase duty he was able to secure a chipboard position on the USS Okinawa as a shuttle pilot in 2359.
It was on the Okinawa Garall got his first taste of war when the ship battled the Tzenkethi in 2362, when he was sent to help evacuate a colony under Tzenkethi attack. Once loaded with survivors he was unable to take off, destoying the shuttle after beaming himself and the survivors to nearby caves they played a deadly game of hide-and-seek until the Tzenkethi were driven off-world. Garall was promoted for his efforts but as soon as he was able put in for a transfer to a safer posting. In 2363 he would be posted to the small Starfleet presence at the the Janus VI mining colony helping to manage their small compliment of shuttles. That lasted until 2373 when the war effort saw his superior transferred to a more vital role and Garall was promoted to lieutenant to replace him. Garall would stay at Janus VI for the duration of the war until post-war reassignments hit and Garall who on paper looked like a solid officer with ten years of flight deck management experience got assigned to the USS Forger. Since coming aboard Garall has done his best to stay below the radar. Though he has become fast friends with other low ambition lifers like Lieutenant Ramirez, who often gather on the flight deck to gab with Garall during off hours and buffer time.
Art by MaxIllistrations