Ensign Jelal Darven
Security Officer, USS Forger
Valo II
CON 11 DAR 10 FIT 9 INS 9 PRE 8 REA 7
The Prophets set the path I must follow
Born to Vedeks exiled to Valo II in 2355, Darven’s life was rough but steeped in the Faith of his people, though as Darven grew he found himself drawn to stories of the resistance and aspired to join them. He would not get the chance, despite some basic training by some resistance members in the camp, by the time he was of age the Cardassians had left Bajor.
After the Cardassians left Darven and his family returned to Bajor. Still full of anger at the Cardassians he intended to join the Bajoran militia while his parents hoped he would pursue life as a vedek and to that end petitioned the faith to allow Darven to see the Orb of Prophecy and Change in recognition of his parents efforts to keep the faith alive on Valo II.
What Darven saw he never really talked about but what is certain it changed his path as he applied to Starfleet Academy and by 2373 was accepted.
Training was brief, he already had some skills, building on that with Starfleet protocols and technology thrown in he was sent to ‘accelerated training’ by 2374.
His assignment was security at Utopia Planitia, guarding design laboratories and doing random sweeps for changelings, allowing his fully trained predecessor to take on duties at the front. There was very little action except for the Breen raid on Earth, with a group breaking off to target the shipyards before being driven back by its defenses. Darven made the most of it befriending Alexandra Casey who helped kill the boredom and when the war was over bring Captain Tanar and the Forger to his attention. After seeing the ship and the Captain, he put in for a transfer and packed his things knowing he’d be taken aboard.
Now he’s serving as a very junior security officer in a team of hard bitten professionals doing his best to keep up and envious of their war experience. It’s hard work but he has friends like Alexandra to back him up and he knows he’s where the Prophets want him to be.