Ensign Alexandra Casey
Asst Chief Flight Controller, USS Forger
Homeworld: Mars
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Recovering overachiever

Born two minutes before her twin brother Alex in 2352 she found herself born into the closest thing the Federation has left to privilege, legacy. Her father was Admiral Alister Casey, the latest in a long line of high ranked Caseys in Starfleet going back to the Earth-Romulan wars, while their mother, Roberta Carter-Whatney was descended from some of Mars’ first colomists. Alexandra and her brothers’ childhoods were full of First Families social functions and Starfleet preparation classes and until she and Alex followed their eldest sibling Lucas into Starfleet Academy in 2370.
In the Academy, Alexandra had dreams of exceeding even Tryla Scott’s record in going from Ensign to Captain and she had the grades and connections to do it. Unfortunately her brother Alex derailed all that in 2372 when he and other members of Red Squad joined Admiral Leyton’s failed coup. Alexandra was in Red Squad as well, but was away on advanced studies when the coup took place, still she got painted with the same brush as the rest of the squad to say nothing of the fact her father and Admiral Leyton were friends. In the end Alex was discharged and imprisoned, her father’s reputation was ruined and he was assigned a role in the support fleet, and Alexandra studies were delayed a year dealing with investigations and family fallout.
By the time she returned to duty the Dominion War was on and she was called up for ‘accelerated training’ aboard the USS Majestic, serving as a junior flight officer until Operation Return in 2374 when the Majestic was destroyed trying to push through the enemy lines. Alexandra and two others were able to seal themselves in a compartment and survive in the debris field for 48hrs until rescued by a Starfleet salvage team.
After her rescue Alexandra ended up doing small craft duties at Utopia Planitia until the end of the war where she’d be selected for the USS Forger after a brief encounter flying her captain for a brief inspection of the Forger at the shipyards.
Back on shipboard duty again Alexandra has let go of her dreams of the center seat to simply embrace being alive and in the Fleet, very much taking things one day at a time.
Art by MaxsIllustrations