I threw out the handbook, and wrote my own.
Δ Crisis Management Δ Bold: Command Δ
Δ Close Protection Δ Strong Pagh Δ
Graduated Starfleet Academy: 2366
Class Rank: Upper Third
Academy Focus: Operations
Prior Assignments: USS Grissom, USS Monitor, USS Sherman, USS Dionysus
Primary Specialty: Computer Security
Secondary Specialty: Tactical
Strengths: Outside-the-box thinking, calm during crisis, willingness to do what it takes to get the job done
Weaknesses: Paranoia, acerbic temperament, lack of respect for authority, PTSD
Family: Two parents and one younger brother on Valo II, one younger brother in Starfleet Academy, multiple uncles and aunts on Valo II, one child on Earth’s Moon (Luna)

Captain Tanar Laron
Position: Commanding Officer
Assignment: USS Forger
Species: 3/4 Bajoran, 1/4 Cardassian
Homeworld: Valo II
CON 11 DAR 10 FIT 7
INS 10 PRE 9 REA 9
Character History
Her half-Cardassian father and his mother were smuggled off Bajor to Valo II (a planet peopled by Bajorans fleeing the Occupation of Bajor) as a child, and thus she was born there in 2345. As soon as she was able, Tanar applied to Starfleet Academy and was accepted. She excelled at her chosen field (Operations), graduating in the high third of her class in 2366, promptly being assigned to the USS Grissom as an Ensign. Her skills and attention to duty (often at the cost of socializing with her peers) fast-tracked a pair of promotions and a move to the USS Monitor in late 2368, where she ultimately served as Deputy Chief of Security.
In 2370, she was approached on three separate occasions to resign her commission and join the Maquis, and if not, to spy for them within Starfleet. This lead to her reassignment to the USS Sherman in early 2371 under then-Captain Andrew Park. The Sherman was covertly assigned as a gathering place for known and suspected Maquis sympathizers within Starfleet. All of the members of the Sherman were highly skilled, often fast-tracked officers and crew that Starfleet did not want to risk losing either to defection or to having to throw them in the brig for treason. This came with a promotion to Lieutenant Commander and a move to the Sherman’s small command staff, taking the role of Chief Tactical Officer and Chief of Security. She served in this role into just after the Dominion War broke out in earnest.
Promoted to First Officer of the USS Dionysus in early 2374, Tanar served on the front lines during the conflict, culminating in the attack on Cardassia launched from Deep Space Nine in 2375. The ship was heavily damaged and Captain Ben-At Shuro killed, leading to Tanar’s field promotion. She had believed it would be temporary, as she was quite young for the role (as young as Kirk had been when he famously became the youngest Captain in the fleet), but when she returned to Starfleet HQ after the war, her field promotion was made permanent, and she was assigned as the captain of the USS Forger, largely at the machinations of now-Admiral Park.
She cooled her heels at the Utopia Planitia shipyards for two months while waiting on the Forger, an Akira-Class ship, to be completed; giving her time to meticulously choose her crew from the options she had in the aftermath of the Dominion War and Starfleet’s decimation in force. Outwardly, she seems brash, quick to shoot first and ask questions later, confident– the consummate captain for a people at war. However, the war is over, and much of her swagger is an imitation of the various captains she has served under– she had never intended to command a ship at all, and especially not this early in her career. Much of her bravado is what she believes that her crew needs from her, especially since most of them are fresh out of Starfleet Academy.
Art by MaxsIllustrations