USS Forger: The Crew
Command Staff
Commanding Officer: Captain Tanar Laron
First Officer: Commander Sabin Lahl
Chief Engineering Officer: Lieutenant Commander Mourad
Chief Operations Officer: Lieutenant Commander Artemis Byrne
Chief Security/Tactical Officer: Lieutenant Mahak
Acting Chief Flight Control Officer: Lieutenant (JG) Richard “Rick” Castillo
Chief Medical Officer: Doctor (Commander) Chumani Maka
Chief Science Officer: Lieutenant Commander Kertog
Ship’s Counselor: Lieutenant Commander Ordren
Junior Officers and Enlisted: Command Division
Yeoman: Ensign Anjohl Korra
Flight Control
Assistant Acting Chief Flight Control Officer: Ensign Alexandra Casey
Flight Deck Specialist/Shuttle Bay Manager: Lieutenant Kovon Garall
Flight Control Officer: Ensign Murr
Relief Flight Control Officer: Ensign Tai Zh’ranni
Junior Officers and Enlisted: Operations Division
Assistant Chief Operations Officer: Lieutenant Jorvis
Operations Officer:
Transporter Chief: Chief Petty Officer Skorsh Littrel
Supply Officer/Quartermaster: Lieutenant (JG) Durm Kalit
Cargo Operations: Ensign Tamara Dennis
Security and Tactical
Assistant Chief Tactical Officer:
Assistant Chief Security Officer: Lieutenant Mateo Ramirez
Security Officer: Ensign Jelal Darven
Security Officer:
Master-At-Arms: Lieutenant May-Li Shan
Security Specialist: Specialist 1st Class Raymond Vargas
Tactical Officer: Ensign Michael Kent
Tactical Specialist: Master Chief Var Chtastros
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer: Lieutenant Kor Yissral
Engineering Officer: Lieutenant (JG) Thel Bellass
Engineering Officer: Ensign Zariv
Shift Engineer:
Engineering Specialist:
Junior Officers and Enlisted: Science Division
Assistant Chief Science Officer: Lieutenant Caraxxus Rilem
Science Officer: Lieutenant (JG) Conom Rahn
Science Officer: Lieutenant Jamani Uhura
Science Officer: Lieutenant (JG) Malk Thranesk
Assistant Chief Medical Officer:
Head Nurse: Lieutenant T’Val
Nurse/Nursing Officer:
Civilians/Others Aboard the Forger
Evan Marconi, Prototype Morale and Welfare Hologram
Acting Crewman Munchkin, Forger’s Best Lil’ Exocomp
Torpy (Training, Operations, Records, Protocol and Emergency Deployment of Ordnance Holo-Assistant)
Mercury, an Enlightened being of pure subspace energy who likes snacks
USS Cronus Command
Commander; former Special Attaché to the Federation Embassy on Romulus: Captain Gabriel Price
First Officer: Commander Apollo Byrne
Chief of Operations and Tactical Officer: [Classified]
Chief Science Officer: Lieutenant Commander Lyra
Chief Medical Officer: [Classified]
Starfleet Command and Officers from Other Ships
Chief of Tactical Development, Office of the Chief of Starfleet Operations: Admiral Andrew Park
Villains and Adversaries
Pala Taek, a Ferengi up to mischief on Tolan IV
Janus Von, an Orion pirate
Civilians and Others